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Do More Morgans
Foundation Bred Morgans
Home of the Versatile Breed

Don Bahr
Platteville, Wisconsin
608-732-6448 cell

Welcome to my Morgan horse ranch!


I started farming in 1974.  Wanting a good cow horse, I purchased a 14 hand, 2 year old mare, Shana.  She was by a grade Morgan stallion and out of a Quarter Horse mare.  For 18 years she was our only reliable cow pony.  Unfortunately, I lost her to lightening. Over the years I had tried several Quarter Horses, but still preferred my Morgan cow pony, Shana. 

In 1993, I purchased a Morgan filly from Parmely Harris. He was a local breeder who started raising Foundation Morgans in the 40s.  He bred his first mares at Charlie O'Neils who stood Archie O and Dude De Jarnette. His first stallion, Archie T was an Archie O son out of Dude De Jarnette mare.

That filly was so smart and easy to train.  My ten year old son started her under saddle.  On her first big trail ride, an Arab mare was misbehaving and we did a horse switch.  I put the young 12 year old girl on my two year old mare to finish the ride.  From that point on, I was sold on Morgans.

I purchased a yearling colt in 1995 from Parmely Harris. At 18 months old Bridlesweet Donnie B (pictured on the Foundation Morgan Flyer) bred his first mare and that was the start of Do More Morgans. I purchased Westrek Sierra Madra as my second mare.  Sierra was bred by Dr. Roy Glise. The mare lines go back to Stones Checkmate who was bred by Parmely Harris and is an Archie T son. Sierra has more quickness and speed. 

I breed mainly Foundation bred Morgans.  I find that they have calm minds, are easy to train, and are extremely athletic. I strive to breed for balance in their conformation with strong bone, a noble head and a kind eye.  I look for deep heart girth, strong correct shoulders, a wide chest, and powerful hips.  

I invite you to visit Do More Morgans. Whether you are looking for a Driving Prospect for combined driving or pleasure show or a Riding Horse for endurance, trail or ranch work, I know there is a Do More Morgan that will be a great match for you.  

- Don Bahr

2023 Foals coming!
(Do More Monty x Do More Easter Dream)
(Do More Monty x Do More Dusky Rose)
(Do More Monty
 x Do More Baylee)

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